There are several delicious liver recipes in The Gonzalez Protocol® Cookbook. Why? Because liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. It is the single richest source of heme iron – only found in muscles and blood which are in animal foods.
Dr. Gonzalez’s Nutritional Plans require ALL METABOLIC TYPES to consume some liver. When doing recipe testing, we heard from liver lovers and haters. To help bring those haters over to the lovers side, our cookbook includes yummy recipes for raw liver cocktails, liver pate as well as cooked liver recipes.
Your food sources matter, especially when it comes to animal products. Buy the best quality organic, grass-fed livers you can find. Organic liver is generally free of contamination and is a concentrated source of essential nutrients such as the B vitamins, as well as minerals and enzymes.
Do we have any liver fans here? Anyone willing to give liver a try?
By Mary Beth Gonzalez
Sheila Konecke says
I love beef liver. I eat it almost every day!
mary beth gonzalez says
Good for you! In our new cookbook, we have some liver recipes from Dr. Gonzalez’s mentors, Dr. Kelley and Dr. Pottenger.
Pat Woodley says
Do you recommend any sources?
mary beth gonzalez says
We recommend liver and other grass fed beef from US Wellness. Check out our food resources link below and be sure to use our special US Wellness discount!
Jody Arnold says
I love liver!
mary beth gonzalez says
ME TOO! Liver and onions is my favorite. How you do prepare your liver?
Ruthie says
What sources? Only beef? What about chicken? Or?
mary beth gonzalez says
US Wellness has all different types of grassfed meat (beef, lamb, poultry, bison, pork) as well as wild caught seafood. Check out our food resources link below and be sure to use our special US Wellness 15% discount!
Gina Bria says
only beef liver? or caa add n there be other animals? what about beef liver capsules for those of us who can’t face eating it?
mary beth gonzalez says
Dr. Gonzalez formulated many supplements in his lifetime. You’ll find his beef liver capsules here from Nutricology:
Organic beef or calf’s liver is a part of all Gonzalez Metabolic Diets. Depending on your metabolic type, you may also be able to have chicken liver.
Adeha Feustel says
I LOVE liver. I avoid it because I accumulate iron.
Wish I knew how to have it without absorbing all that iron!
Marianna says
My butcher sells pastured beef mince containing 10-15% organs. They describe this product as ‘a great way to get a nutritional boost and an excellent way to camouflage the virtues of organs to kids or adults who squirm at the idea’. I’m one such squirmer!
Susan says
This diet has been life changing for me!! Eating grass fed beef and dairy daily is healing my debilitating insomnia. It took me a couple of years to come to this point however, and what brought forth the tide of change was keeping a food journal – and on the days that I ate beef for lunch my sleep would improve – but, not always. It wasn’t until I did the Dr Gonzalez’s test that showed that citrus is not beneficial to me amongst other things – so, tweaking my diet AND consuming beef every day will profoundly affect if I sleep or not. I do have a dilema though – being blood type A (I used to follow this diet religiously until my body just wouldn’t cooperate) I am not able to digest the meat and dairy at all – but, when I eat it (in addition to the other modifications such as avoiding citrus, spinach etc) I can sleep and when I don’t eat it – I digest the vegan foods BUT, I will NOT get ANY sleep. Any ideas? Thank you so much!!
mary beth gonzalez says
Thanks for letting us know that Gonzalez Metabolic Type Diet 5 is working so well for you! While I can’t offer personal medical advice, please know that Dr. Gonzalez recommended that ALL of his patients take pancreatic enzymes to aid in DIGESTION. Before he died, he licensed his very special pancreatic enzyme formula to Allergy Research Group and you can get them here at their consumer website, Nutricology:
He would recommend that his patients take a few with their meals.
Tiffany says
Did he recommend pork pancreas over lamb pancreas? I see that Nutricology offers both. Is lamb as good if pork isn’t tolerated well? Thank you very much.
mary beth gonzalez says
Dr. Gonzalez typically recommended pork but if a patient had an aversion to pork or an allergy, he would recommend lamb pancreas. Only from Nutricology.
Sheila says
I make liver pate from chicken livers, love it. Always loved liver, even as a kid, with fried onions and mashed potato. Liver pate is easy to make. It is chicken livers fried in avocado oil, do not over cook. Hard boiled eggs and season to taste. I grind the liver in an old fashion grinder. This is my favorite wqy to eat liver although I love beef liver too.
Robin Cottrell says
I see where you have to do enzymes 1 hrs before each meal. Is sea salt or Himalayan pink salt allowed in the diet or celery seed which is what is in Mrs. Dash????
mary beth gonzalez says
In general, both sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are allowed. As with all of the Gonzalez diets, the protocol is customized to the individual by a Gonzalez Guardian Doctor so some individuals may be advised to limit their salt intake.
Cathie says
If someone needed braces as a child, were they most likely sympathetic dominant or parasympathetic dominant? The top teeth protruded and bottom teeth were to crowded for her. Also, please, what would she of been deficient in most likely? Thank you.