Historical Articles
A selection of articles and other press coverage dating to prior to Dr. Gonzalez’s passing in July 2015.
Nutrition and Cancer: The 2015 article “The Trophoblast Model of Cancer,” written by Dr. Colin A. Ross, a respected researcher, appeared in this peer-reviewed journal, providing a positive evaluation of the theory behind our treatment. The article is available only to subscribers, but the abstract is free on the National Library of Medicine website.
TOX-SICK: This book, written by our great supporter, the actress and writer Suzanne Somers, includes a lengthy interview with Dr. Gonzalez, in which he discusses the origin of cancer, its relationship to toxicity in the gut and the influence of the intestines, intestinal flora, and liver on our overall health. In addition, Ms. Somers references the work of Dr. Gonzalez throughout the book. The theme, as expressed in the title, revolves around the profound influence of the increasingly toxic world in which we live, and the measures we all need to take to keep ourselves protected from environmental assault. Click here to order on Amazon.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: This peer-reviewed healthcare journal is indexed in the National Library of Medicine. It serves as a forum for research evidence and information concerning the practical use of alternative therapies. In the March 2015 issue, an article by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Isaacs, entitled “Statistics: Why Meaningful Statistics Cannot Be Generated From a Private Practice,” addresses the challenges of answering the commonly asked question about statistics. The article is freely available by clicking this link.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: This peer-reviewed healthcare journal devoted a special issue to cancer in October 2014, which included a lengthy article by Dr. Gonzalez, “The History of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer.”
A Healthy You & Carol Alt: Dr. Gonzalez appeared with model and actress Carol Alt on her television show on the Fox News network to discuss his therapy on March 1, 2014, January 11, 2014, and September 21, 2013. Click on the dates to view the segments on Fox’s website.
One Radio Network: On October 10, 2013, The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone broadcast an interview of Dr. Gonzalez. The session is available online; scroll further down the page on their site to see links to older interviews.
The Kat James Show: On September 21, 2013, Dr. Gonzalez was interviewed on The Kat James Show. Click here to download the session (20.1MB).
Well Being Journal: The September/October 2013 issue included two articles about our work. A long-time patient wrote about her experiences on the program, and Anthony Apostolides, PhD, reviewed our treatment and results. The May/June 2014 issue included an article by Dr. Linda Isaacs, which can also be read on her website.
NaturalHealth365: In September 2013, this website featured an eight part series of articles by Dr. Gonzalez titled The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer that addresses the subject of non-toxic cancer treatments past and present. Part 2 of the series is here. Parts 3-8 are listed sequentially at the end of the Part 2 page, so scroll down to the bottom of the Part 2 page to find the links to parts 3-8. An accompanying video can be seen on Youtube.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: The November/December 2012 issue of this peer-reviewed healthcare journal featured a lengthy interview with Dr. Gonzalez.
Suzanne Somers’ other books: This famous actress, author, and proponent of alternative approaches to health included interviews with Dr. Gonzalez in her books. In Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging, Ms. Somers discusses ways to avoid catastrophic events such as heart attacks, crippling autoimmune diseases, and cancer. In Knockout: Interviews with doctors who are curing cancer and how to prevent getting it in the first place, Ms. Somers presents a number of alternative treatments, highlighting our own nutritional-enzyme regimen. The section in Knockout on this work includes an in-depth interview with Dr. Gonzalez, as well as interviews with nine patients who have beaten poor prognosis or terminal cancer under his care.
Carol Alt’s books: Dr. Gonzalez wrote forewords for three books by well-known model Carol Alt, who reversed her deteriorating health with a largely raw foods diet. Her own personal experiences inspired her to write Eating in the Raw, meant as an introduction to whole foods and raw food eating. Her subsequent books, The Raw 50 and Easy Sexy Raw, provide easy, everyday raw food recipes along with tips on the practical considerations of this healthy way of life.
Mercola.com: Dr. Joseph Mercola has interviewed Dr. Gonzalez at length for the popular health-related site Mercola.com. An article was posted on April 23, 2011; click here to read. Another interview, in which Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Mercola discuss the tragic death of Steve Jobs, was posted on October 9, 2011; click here to review.
Townsend Letter: Owen Fonorow’s review of Dr. Gonzalez’s books The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancerand One Man Alone appeared in the August/September 2011 issue of this alternative medicine journal. His review is currently available on Amazon. Please click the underlined titles for the product pages at Amazon, where you can read his and other reviews of The Trophoblast and One Man Alone.
Townsend Letter: The July 2010 and August/September 2010 issues featured a two-part article by Dr. Gonzalez entitled “Some Thoughts about Scientific Bias,” extracted from his upcoming book on the mismanaged NCI-NIH clinical study of his treatment. The article was previously posted by the website Health Sentinel. In the article, also available on this site, Dr. Gonzalez discusses two examples of fraud perpetuated at the highest levels of the academic research community; the promotion of bone marrow transplantation as a treatment for breast cancer, and the HIV-Nevirapine clinical trial in Africa. These examples illustrate that conventional scientists will often stop at nothing to promote their cherished theories, and without hesitation will ruthlessly attack those who insist on speaking the truth. Click here to review.
Jonathan V. Wright’s Nutrition & Healing: In the February 2010 issue of this newsletter Dr. Wright reviewed Dr. Gonzalez’s book The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancerat some length. His comments were also posted on Amazon: click here and look in the review section.
Suzanne’s Blog: On February 6, 2010, the actress/writer Suzanne Somers posted an article on her blog written by Dr. Gonzalez’s patient Carey Reading. Ms. Reading first came in the office in February 2009 for treatment of advanced Burkitt’s lymphoma, a particularly aggressive malignancy. In her case, the disease had continued to spread despite aggressive chemotherapy. On her nutritional regimen, her cancer has completely regressed and she is enjoying a second chance at life.
EXTRA: On November 10, 2009, the television show EXTRAaired a piece about Suzanne Somers and her book Knockout. Dr. Gonzalez and two of his long-time cancer patients appeared on the show. Click here to watch the segment.
The Larry King Show: On October 23, 2009, Suzanne Somers discussed her book Knockouton the Larry King Show on CNN. Dr. Gonzalez, one of the physicians interviewed in her book, appeared as well. A transcript is available.
The Townsend Letter: The August/September 2009 issue contained the introduction to Dr. Gonzalez’s 1986 monograph One Man Alone, published by New Spring Press.
Prevention Magazine: The September 2007 issue featured an article about four women who had chosen alternative methods for treatment of their medical problems. One of these women, diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer, refused chemotherapy to pursue our therapy 15 years ago. The article is available on the Prevention Subsequently, the nationally syndicated The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet on the Fox network devoted nearly an hour to the four women and their doctors, including Dr. Gonzalez.
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: The January/February 2007 issue of this peer-reviewed journal featured a lengthy interview with Dr. Gonzalez as well as an article by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Isaacs which includes several case reports of successfully treated cancer patients. The March/April 2007 issue included an article by Dr. Isaacs about evaluating anecdotal evidence and case reports.
totalhealth: The November/December 2006 and January/February 2007 issues of this magazine included a two-part article by Dr. Gonzalez discussing the physiology of the pancreas and the use of proteolytic digestive enzymes as a cancer treatment. The second part of the series also describes in detail a series of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer successfully treated with our nutritional regimen.
totalhealth: The June/July 2004 issue of this health magazine included an article by Dr. Gonzalez about the history of the treatment and research being conducted in humans and in animals.
Prevention: The August 2002 issue of this popular health magazine featured an article describing our methods and research, as well as case histories of a long-term survivor of metastatic melanoma, and of a patient with an aggressive neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer who had documented tumor regression while on this regimen.
Alternative Medicine: The April 2002 issue of Alternative Medicine magazine published a feature article by journalist Peter B. Chowka about Dr. Gonzalez and the history of his therapy. A direct link to the PDF version of Peter’s article is here.
Life Extension: An extensive article about our enzyme therapy appeared in the magazine Life Extension in August 2001.
Discovery Health: In November 2000, the Discovery Health Channel aired a program which included coverage of a patient with pancreatic cancer. Tapes of the complete show, titled “Traditional Plants and Medicine,” are available for purchase from Discovery Healthat 800-475-6636; ask for item number 762195.
totalhealth: This magazine published a series of articles about our work. The January/February 2000 issue included an article by Parris Kidd, Ph.D., a well-known authority on nutrition. The July/August 2000 edition included an introduction by the editor, Lyle Hurd, together with an article which we wrote about the historical background of the enzyme treatment of cancer. The September/October 2000 issue included an article about five patients in our practice. The May/June 2001 issue included an article by Dr. Isaacs which was subsequently reprinted in the Townsend Letter.
Clinical Pearls News: An interview with Dr. Gonzalez that appeared in the November 1999 issue of Clinical Pearls News, a health letter on current research in nutrition and complementary medicine.
Townsend LetterInterview: The full text of a lengthy interview with Dr. Gonzalez from June 1995.
Life Extension Article: An article about our enzyme therapy that appeared in the October 1996 issue of Life Extension.