In the Press
A collection of recent press interviews and articles:
– “Healing Cancer Naturally: The Legacy of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez with Mary Beth Gonzalez” audio interview with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt.
– “Personalized Care: Rethinking Chemotherapy for Better Patient Outcomes”: Dr. Andre Williams MD audio interview with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt.
– “Healing Beyond Conventional: Professor Sarper Diler on Integrative Oncology and the Power of Personalized Cancer Treatments”: Dr. Sarper Diler MD audio interview with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt.
– “Revolutionary Lyme Treatments: Dr. Marina Yanover ND’s Natural Approach” audio interview with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt.
– The Gonzalez Protocol, Metabolic Typing, Enzyme Therapy: Dr. Sarper Diler & Ryan Sternagel, video interview with Q&A from The Stern Method’s website.
– Gonzalez Guardian, Professor Dr. Sarper Diler, audio interview on Dr. Ron Hoffman’s Intelligent Medicine Podcast.
– Dr. Kerry Gelb’s OPEN YOUR EYES interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez. Part One and Part Two.
– Jonathan Landsman’s Article and Video Interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez. “Beat Cancer by Balancing Your Autonomic Nervous System”.
– Cancer Tutor’s announcement of the Gonzalez Guardians.
– Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, The Breast Cancer Conqueror, Video Interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez about metabolic typing and her life with Dr. Nick Gonzalez, The Maverick M.D.
– Vitality Magazine’s article about the Gonzalez Metabolic Type Test.
– Positive Health Online’s article about The Thriving Legacy of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
– Weston A Price Foundation’s The Maverick M.D. Book Review “Excerpt: What we see in this biography of a great doctor and scientist is consistent with a general pattern. The powers-that-be in the cancer industry (or any other) are much more concerned about maintaining their reputation and power than they are about helping people. They turn a blind eye to the damage caused by chemotherapy and surgery, while hyperventilating over how someone might get hurt by improved nutrition. Experts like this do not think outside the box and they don’t want you to either. If you dare to step outside the box, be ready for a fight. If everyone understood this, they might be less willing to submit to the medical dictatorship we see taking over in 2021. The thumb is UP for the book and the man whose box-free thinking enriched and extended so many lives.”
– Cancer Tutor’s interview with The Maverick M.D.‘s author Mary Swander. Excerpt “There’s a spiritual dimension to the program that, if you didn’t know who this man was, you might not see that right away,” Mary noted. “I did not see it right away as a patient. I began to get my eyes open to his abilities. It’s a wonderful read as a medical read, but it’s also a wonderful read as a portrait of a true healer. Your eyes will be opened about all sorts of possibilities, medical and spiritual.”
– Price Pottenger Journal’s Interview with The Maverick M.D.‘s author Mary Swander. Excerpt “…a riveting account of the life and work of a dedicated and remarkable physician…”
– Wellness Journeys The Maverick M.D. Book Review. Excerpt “There is a book out that everyone needs to read. Why? Because it’s a whack upside the head and once in a while we all need a good whack upside the head. It’s about a man who cured cancer, Dr Nicholas Gonzalez.”
– Dr. Jonathan Wright’s Green Medicine Newsletter article about Dr. Gonzalez (subscribers only).
– The Stern Method’s Podcast with The Maverick M.D.‘s Mary Swander.
– Townsend Letter’s December 2020 Cover Story about The Life and Work of Nicholas Gonzalez M.D. and a Book Excerpt.
– Dr. Ron Hoffman’s Intelligent Medicine Podcast interview (Part One) with The Maverick M.D.‘s Mary Swander. Part Two here.
– Dr. Tedd Koren’s Enjoy a Cancer Free Life video interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez.
– “THE WAY HOME WITH LAURA SMITH” RADIO SHOW ON WLS November 22, 2020 audio interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez.
– Robert Scott Bell’s The Power to Heal is Yours video interview with Mary Swander.
– Robert Scott Bell’s The Power to Heal is Yours video interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez.
– Charity Nebbe’s Talk of Iowa on Iowa Public Radio November 23, 2020 interview with The Maverick M.D.‘s Mary Swander.
– One Radio Network’s Patrick Timpone audio interview with author Mary Swander.